Sunday, December 5, 2010

Get your hand out of the bag of chips!!

Everyone has had that moment were they have been sharing a bag of chips and you reach your hand in the bag at the same time as the other person. It is hard to grab what you want out of the bag when someone else is trying to do the same at the same time as you..

We are in this same position with God quite often. We are the ones who put or selves in this position. At this point your are probably thinking what does a bag of chips have to do God.. well let me explain myself.

We ask God all the time for his will to be done in situations or for His hand to be in that situation.. well I just picture Him saying when we ask something like that "then let me!". His will can't be done if our will is in the way. His hand can't be on it if our hand is in the way.. we can't have ours and Gods hand in the bag of chips (or lives) at the same time. So get your hand out of your bag of Chips and let God in.. don't get in the way of His plans and will for your life..

Pray with me this prayer..

Perfect and Loving God that loves us abundantly, more than we can ever imagine.. we freely take our will and put it to the side so yours may be done.. thank for your love and mercy in our lives.. in Jesus name we pray these things for your Glory.. Amen

In Christ, Daniel
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