Friday, November 19, 2010

Walking on water

I am writing this blog from the beach. I just felt led to come down here by the spirit. I am sitting in the sand in amazement of Gods creation. I remembered a revelation I had of Jesus when he walked on the water and the symbolism it had. It is a perfect picture of how to live our lives in the world.

To me the water represents influence and the deeper you get in influence the more pressure there is. Finally u will explode or hit rock bottom. Jesus walking on water represents how we should live and walk above that influence where there is no resistance from the world.. its raiser to walk on water rather than in it..

I didn't post this blog in faith that God will continue to show me things while I'm out here.. well here you go.

Water is only powerfull when there is much.. a body of water. We are called the body of Christ then we should be powerfull.. fact is we don't work together like the ocean. We are scattered like ponds all over the place... in hope that someone may run into us.. but we should be something bigger that people come to see and seek God! should be able to drive knowing you will hit the water not thinkin I may run into a pond on my way there.. at some point you will run into a powerfull body of water.. at some point you should run into the Body of Christ and be changed forever.

And again.. God should be in your life like waves in the ocean. Never ceasing and never quite.. sometimes more powerfull sometimes a more comforting voice..

In Christ, Daniel
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